Flights - 12
Kilometres flown - 32,982km including return flights between Melbourne and Sydney, Sydney and Auckland, Auckland and Santiago, and Santiago and Lima, as well as flights from Lima to Arequipa and Cusco and a quick hop from Julianca back to the Peruvian capital city
Total kilometres flown in 2012 - a big 85,950km
Hotels - Nine...Mercure Hotel (Sydney Airport), Sonesta Olivar Hotel (Lima), Libertador Hotel (Arequipa), Colca Lodge Spa and Hotel (Colca Canyon), Sonesta Hotel (Cusco), Hotel Rio Sagrado (Sacred Valley), Hotel Monasterio (Cusco), Hotel Sonesta (Puno), Miraflores Park Hotel (Lima)
Total hotels in 2012 - 29
Countries visited - Peru (techically three, but I didn't leave the airport in NZ and Chile so I can't count them)
Total countries visited in 2012 - Four, finally
New countries visited - one...yay!Total countries visited - 50...yay!