Monday, June 27, 2011

Another contender

THERE’S another contender in the race to find a new favourite building.

This row of tired but terribly elegant terrace houses, which have certainly seen better days, sit on the main road between downtown London and Heathrow Airport which means literally thousands of visitors pass by the vintage complex in the course of a day.

I don’t know a single thing about the elongated building, but I suspect it is Victorian because of the ornate architectural flourished that were popular in the days after a young queen followed four kings named George onto the British throne.

Imagine living in an era when you could build a row of terrace houses and give each individual dwelling a big picture window that occupied most of the front wall?

And imagine how elegant these dwellings would have been in the days when Queen Victoria and her Albert were taking carriage rides around Hyde Park which is just a couple of kilometres up the road?